
…that is Fishers Island.

I wanted to give folks an idea of the VERY precious Eelgrass meadows that surround our Island.

Yesterday, I attended a Fishers Island Seagrass Management meeting with student representative Nick Hall.

A small subcommittee of the Coalition met to discuss:
“Community Monitoring & Citizen Science”.

From the Field, Field Note, Justine Kibbe Mar. 1, 2019


This August, Island Sentinels assist me in monitoring Hay Harbor.
Here, Marc Rosenberg documents scarring within seagrass beds.

This stewardship helps to further support & establish a Fishers Island Seagrass Management Coalition along with Henry L. Ferguson Museum and The Nature Conservancy, Long Island.

Way to go Sentinels!”


Video Snippet, From the Field, Justine Kibbe, Aug. 10, 2018