Demonstration Garden (next to Movie Theater).

From the Field, Field Note, Justine Kibbe, May 22, 2019

*Adult male.

Silver Eel Cove, Fishers Island

From the Field, Field Note, Justine Kibbe, May 20, 2019


Song sparrow, Hay Harbor Club Golf Course, Fishers Island.

From the Field, Field Note, Justine Kibbe, May 20, 2019

South Beach, Fishers Island.

From the Field, Field Note, Justine Kibbe, May 20, 2019

From the wood-warbler family, adult male with broad black mask and bright yellow throat singing, “wichety wichety wichety”.

Today’s Hay Harbor Club golf course, Fishers Island.

From the Field, Field Note, Justine Kibbe, May 20, 2019

Juvenile red-tailed hawk feather.

Piney shade, Duck Pond Road.

From the Field, Field Note, Justine Kibbe, May 20, 2019

Tree swallow.

Hay Harbor Golf Course, Fishers Island.

From the Field, Field Note, Justine Kibbe, May 20, 2019