3:20pm: The wooded area surrounding the house where I am living has started to explode. Trees are snapping and toppling left and right. Branches whip at the windows as leaves are plastered against the glass. A blanket of humid sea air has swathed the house as the furious winds funnel through the gulley in the forest outside. I smell salt and raw wood. 

East Harbor@1:50pm: Fishers Island Sound appears to be bridging with Long Island Sound-waters have now surged onto the golf course.


 3:12pm: Electrical power is out on Fishers Island


Big Club Beach@1:45pm: By now the winds out of the NE are 45mph with gusts of 50mph.

Through the salt spray and wind I can barely see flocks of Herring Gulls and Great Black Backed Gulls hunkered far west into the nearby wooded area of the cove. Two swans appear anchored in Money pond which has breached its banks.


Isabella Beach @ 12:15pm: The ocean waters here on the South side are green, brownish red and black. Despite the outgoing tide the wild surf and washed out sands make for an unrecognizable beachscape.

Chocomount Beach @ 1:21pm: The path towards the beach shows signs of a previous tidal surge furiously pounding towards the parking lot area. The pond on the western end has breached- tons of rocks have been sucked back towards the sea.

This small snapping turtle was seen on the apron of the 1st green. 


Monday October 15@4:45pm: Hungry Point on the Island’s northern side is a major haul-out location for Harbor seals from Fall till late spring time. This year the seals arrived earlier than last and were observed basking in the sun’s warmth mid September.

I count 88 seals this evening. Coyote tracks are noted going westward along the small beach.