Silver-spotted Skipper busily pollinates within wild flowers along Driving Range, accompanied by Cricket’s choir up east on Fishers Island.


From the Field, Video Snippet by Justine Kibbe, Sept. 13, 2018



Always happy to learn more about insects and bugs on Fishers Island.

Adam Mitchell, PhD:
“This butterfly* is a silver-spotted skipper, a native that feeds on legume plants during its caterpillar stage.”


*Driving Range up east

From the Field, Field Note by Justine Kibbe, Sept. 13, 2018


Young Osprey in West Harbor:

This nest is slow to vacate, while most Osprey
have fledged, hopefully returning to the Island next March.

From the Field, Video Snippet by Justine Kibbe, Sept. 12, 2018

plastic marine debris

Thousands of tiny plastic particles are swirled and swept into Silver eel Cove, Fishers Island this stormy September day. Sadly, these observations of incoming debris are noted more often these years between Long Island and Fishers Island Sounds, plaguing foraging grounds and critical habitat.

From the Field, Video Snippet by Justine Kibbe, Sept. 10, 2018

monarch butterfly caterpillars

“What’s for Munch?”

Monarch caterpillars feeding within planted Milkweed here on Fishers Island.

Bring. Butterflies. Back.

From the Field, Video Snippet by Justine Kibbe, Sept. 8, 2018


Today, serenity was the view from Hay Harbor club golf course, Fishers Island. Race Point and South beach are surrounded by lush Eelgrass, providing critical habitat for fish species within Long Island Sound.

But fewer than 400 acres of this precious seagrass meadow remain, most of it within Fishers Island waters…

From the Field, Video Snippet by Justine Kibbe, Sept. 5, 2018


Heading out into The Field, Fishers Island.

Always a “story” to follow:
Deer. Raccoon. Coyote. Pheasant.

From the Field, Field Note by Justine Kibbe, Aug. 30, 2018


After morning’s “Spin Class”…

This spider is a common orb-weaver that often appears in September. They spin large elaborate wheel- (or orb-) shaped webs daily to capture their prey and often break down the web and recreate the same design after a successful catch. The spiders eat a significant portion of the web to regain the nutrients needed to spin a new web for the next day.

From the Field, Video Snippet by Justine Kibbe, Aug. 31, 2018

thistle bee

Tall thistle, a native wildflower, is a big favorite among pollinators.

Here, within historic Parade Grounds, Fishers Island, bees and butterflies busily tend to their habitat. Want to help attract Monarch butterflies? Thistle do it!

From the Field, Video Snippet by Justine Kibbe, Sept. 2, 2018