I spied this female Ruby-throated Hummingbird
busily zipping about under the canopy of a tall American Elm.
Carrying teeny lichen flakes to prop up her wee nest; she finally rested long enough for a quick click of the camera…
Field Note, From the Field by Justine Kibbe, July 18, 2018
https://www.ficonservancy.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Hummingbird-J-Kibbe.jpg840960Betty Ann Rubinowhttps://www.ficonservancy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/fi-Conservancy-logo350x100.jpgBetty Ann Rubinow2018-07-18 14:46:312019-01-18 05:23:50Summer’s Humming Along…